Alan Agresti

Alan Agresti is Distinguished Professor in the Department of Statistics at the University of Florida. He has been teaching statistics there for 30 years, including the development of 3 courses in statistical methods for social science students and 3 courses in categorical data analysis. He is author of over 100 refereed article and 4 texts including Statistics: The Art and Science of Learning From Data (with Christine Franklin, Pearson, 4th edition 2017) and Categorical Data Analysis (Wiley, 3rd edition 2012). He is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and recipient of an Honorary Doctor of Science from De Montfort University in the UK. In 2003 he was named Statistician of the Year by the Chicago chapter of the American Statistical Association and in 2004 he was the first honoree of the Herman Callaert Leadership Award in Biostatistical Education and Dissemination awarded by the University of Limburgs, Belgium. He has held visiting positions at Harvard University, Boston University, London School of Economics, and Imperial College and has taught courses or short courses for universities and companies in about 20 countries worldwide. He has also received teaching awards from UF and an excellence in writing award from John Wiley & Sons.

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